
As a pregnancy antenatal yoga teacher I discovered Hypnobirthing through my pregnancy yoga mums.

After doing some research and seeing the effect that it had on mothers in my class I started reading different Hypnobirthing books on the subject, one of them being KG Hypnobirthing book by Katharine Graves. This was the book that inspired me to train as a Hypnobirthing teacher.

I find teaching KG Hypnobirthing very rewarding and love teaching it to parents.

It is a comprehensive complete birthing course for all births. It gives parents the opportunity to have a calm and gentle birth whatever type of birth they may have. 

The Hypnobirthing course supports all types of births, and gives helpful infomation to partners and care givers. As a KG Hypnobirthing teacher I am here to listen, inform and act as a signpost to parents. I will talk through concerns that parents may have, so that they know they have informed choices and can find evidence based infomation.

Through the hypnobirthing system parents will feel confident, calm and well prepared to meet their babies.

Here are some of the benefits of taking a KG hypnobirthing course:

You are likely to experience a more comfortable birth.

Your baby will be more relaxed and alert and ready to bond naturally.

Less intervention needed.

Mothers recover more quickly from the birth.

Birth partners will have played an active roll as they will be given tools and infomation as to how to support and care for their birthing partner. 

The benefits to you are wonderfully noticeable, to your baby it is the best possible start to life.  Hypnobirthing does not promise a perfect birth but it will give you the best tools to achieve the birth that is right for you and your baby. 

With planned or unpalanned caesarean sections, mothers are able to remain calm and confident.

 KG Hypnobirthing is not a replacement for medical assistance or advice.  

 KG Hynobirthing teacher Training course is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives.

 A KG Hypnobirthing course can be arranged at home at times that suits parents.

"Childbirth can be an empowering and positive experience that you treasure for the rest of your life"

Katherine Graves. The Hypnobirthing Book.